
having vomited: i'm screwed

i phoned the bank and the doctor. i can't think straight right now, so forgive typos and nonsense in this one. my balance is pretty much fucked. i can't get hold of the student loans people until after i see the doctor tonight because i've fucking left all my login data for them at home. i fucking hate panhandling but enough of you have offered to give me money that it might be worth my dignity and your spare cash to pull me out of the shit. i hate doing this to people.

i have a semi-broken Paypal at "a (9dot) mason (another dot) 06 (an at sign) aberdeen (0dot) ac (dotO) uk" (EDIT: de-regexed at Max's reminder. i told you i wasn't thinking right. please don't send mail to this address, it's a formal address for bills and things.) - idk if it even works, since i accidentally broke it when my bank overdraft collapsed last March and it said it could no longer be linked to my bank account. if it works without being linked to an account, it should be fine. EDIT 01: making sure it works tonight if i can. will let you know if it doesn't.

i also have a worthless bank account. sort code 40-44-41, account 91356593. holding name Ms A Mason. yeah, look at the meatspace data, it's pointless trying to censor it whilst begging. i can come up with other stuff like IBAN and holding branch address if people need it.



  1. Can you verify whether the paypal account actually works properly? If it does, I'll see what I can do. Would be a waste if it ends up going into paypal's decrepit pockets instead.

  2. It's not much, but I just sent you $20US. I wish I could send more. Good luck on your quest.

  3. An IBAN number would be extremely handy, as all my paypal accounts (I've got like 3 or so) seem to have broken down at some point or other. Also, I'm a germanfag (or something like that, not like I value nationality or anything), so international transactions require IBAN. Last but not least, paypal is evil and no one should be using it.

    Protip: I'd edit the post so the mail address doesn't get caught by regex robots. You don't need penis enlargement pills.

  4. Usul - will try and get into the Paypal dashboard or something just to verify it. i'll try and pay myself a penny or something. and thankyou.

    Anon - that's enough for food for this week. we've run out. you don't know how much that helps, and with what someone else is doing too... i can't talk about it too much i start bawling.

    Max - i will put this up for a short while because i think you can use an IBAN to take money out as well as put it into a foreign account, but it's this:

    someone let me know if i'm wrong about this and i'll add these data to the FAQ - more people are offering than i ever expected. and i'm bawling again, fucking hell.

    thank you all. i can't tell you how much this helps or how much it means.


  5. PS. i saw the doctor and they don't know what it is but they think it's gastroenteritis, and they wouldn't give me a decent antiemetic (that is, an intramuscular injection, not pills i could take home and sell) because "you have a history of abuse and it can sometimes give patients a buzz".

    so fucking what? i can't sell it once it's in my blood, lady. it apparently matters whether or not you enjoy taking a drug here - that's what decides whether or not you're allowed it. nvm it's the only antiemetic that fucking works on my system.

    fucking doctors. thank god this place doesn't charge for healthcare though.


  6. As soon as you can verify the PP I'll send some money your way. I could try the IBAN thing, but I think my bank would charge me Stupid Amounts for transactions in GBP, but I'll double check that as well. The bank account would probably be more convenient for you in any case.

    Will refrain from too many corny/patronising/meddling remarks once more, but if you sit back and think about it for a moment, you'll realise that there's always more people who care than you might suspect.

  7. Usul - it's not that which surprises me, it's the fact that they give a fuck about me. a biohacker they've never met. on the internet. who fails at life.

    the bank here doesn't charge me for transactions in foreign amounts, it just transfers them directly over with weird rounding; idk how it is for you though. trying to navigate PP's website nao. i think the account will still work, i just have to find out how to convert PP into real money on account of Lidl's doesn't accept paypal (sadfais.)


  8. Alrighty, will go for an IBAN transfer in which case. Do you have the BIC as well? It's probably MIDLGB2115T or something similar (having a database of these things comes in handy every once in a while, but I'd rather be certain, otherwise the transfer will be delayed).

  9. looking for the BIC now, it says it's buried somewhere in the ruins of my online HSBC interface. brb, trying to find several bits of paper and a little red keygen.


  10. okay, found it: BIC is MIDLGB2122U. my branch is actually several hundreds of miles away from my city, seeing as how i set it up before i left my ma's house way back when. hope this helps.


  11. okay, i gotta make up medication for tomorrow, count pills, have a bath, that sort of meatspace bullshit. i've had enough headspace BS for today.

    goodnight all, and thankyou again for at least wanting to help me. even if you can't it's... no, i can't describe it properly. i don't feel like i'm worthy of this kind of care.


  12. I'm on the other side of the pond and my bank doesn't seem to grok IBAN. I'll drop by a branch in the morning to see if a human knows. If not, I'm paypal capable.

    I care. Everyone in the soc I'm in believes you matter. You do worthwhile work. You create value. You are driven, persistent, curious, and intelligent. I don't know you, but I definitely recognize a kindred consciousness. And that's all I need to know.

  13. There, some cash is coming your way. I don't have the best of experiences with HSBC, so it might take a few days, but it's coming.

    Mean while, let's hope that student loan gets sorted out.

  14. I want to know whether the paypal works, as well. If I transfer from my bank they'll take a decent chunk of the payment due to it being a foreign transaction.

  15. Unqualified to speak18 October 2011 at 11:31

    @Naib: if you look in this thread for Lepht's BIC, that translates to SWIFT number, which can be used for transatlantic transactions.

  16. @Unqualified & Naib: I'm sure your bank can figure out how to use an IBAN + BIC/SWIFT, but you'll need both.

  17. I get paid on Friday, I'll BACS something over then, should be in your account Wednesday or so :)

  18. Naib: the Swift is the same as BIC, which is "MIDLGB2122U" (no qoutes). You may also need the IBAN GB10MIDL40444191356593, or the actual account number and sort code which are on the post. if you get asked for an address for me (as someone else who helped me very much did) email me and i can send it to you.
    and you know what else? you, and your society, are good human beings. if you ever want repayment of some kind i can give - docs, talking, bone marrow to save your firstborn - just ask.

    this same goes for anyone, too: don't have data you need? not in this post or the comments? just email me at the usual address and i'll ping them to you asap.
    get a biohacker indebted to you today! might come handy in the future!

    Usul - thankyou, sib. i wish there were a better word than this for how grateful i really am to you all, especially one in particular.

    more on this and loans later - i spoke to them and made important phone calls all day today.

    to all in general: to avoid bank charges, use BIC(which is SWIFT) and IBAN, which are in this comment thread. that way the transfer is free and i don't have such a good excuse to buy nodes for coating with the Paypal account.

    maco - i wish i could give all of you a hug. i am going to put up a donor wall - rather a "these people are caring kickass menschen" wall.

    thankyou all, and goodnight. gtg sleep.


  19. Dear lepht,

    I am really glad to see you recieve the repayment in kind. We all owe you for your kind outreach at the CCC speach alone you made last year. I know it was inspiring to myself and many others ( as is obviuos). Do not feel indebted as it is us that are indebted to you. With no promise or even potential of any reward you yourself gave up some of your beloved anonymity to educate and inspire others. This was a greater gift than you obviously recognise and I hope this current response you are seing to care for you in your low times is reflective of that in some way.

    I also Hope you are physically feeling better as well. Look after yourself fellow hacker and really hope we can see some more inspiring talks from you infuture.

    Would be awsome If someone with funds would anonymously donate a plane ticket to you for the CCC and get you talking agian this year....

    Kindest of regards ANON

  20. Really sorry to hear this. I will post this so as many people as possible can help out. I also may be able to offer you some work if you're interested. Unfortunately I am flat broke and in less than good health myself. Do email me at transhumanistcouncil@gmail.com.

  21. Lepht, you're welcome :-) Don't feel indebted to me in any way, there's no need! Just think of my donation as being beerware licensed ;-)

  22. Bank wants to swallow 50% in a transaction fee. Ever get paypal sorted? Otherwise I'll get creative. Telco online groceries? :)

  23. Naib - yeah, it works now. i can't put anything in it from my own account, but that's probably for the best. HSBC said it was Paypal's problem and Paypal's email said it wasn't and to call HSBC.

    "go and ask your mum." "go and ask your dad."


  24. I had no choice but to transfer through paypal, the bank wanted more personal information about you than I'm quite comfortable with knowing myself! Hope it's accessible and all.

  25. Having trouble with PPal..

    would you consider putting up a donate button or similar on your page? i know its not very proud to do..

    but there clearly are people willing to help you.

  26. melladh - thankyou, sib. anon - the paypal is working now as far as i can tell. let me know if it eats your money or anything because i can refund transfers on my end if they go wrong.



[pls no ask about the vodka. debate is always welcome. remember, Tramadol fucks you up]